As previously advised all members are invited to view an online webinar to explain the measures required for a return to play and also to explain the phases in the recently released Roadmap.
The webinar can be accessed below. We are delighted that Feargal McGill secretary of the Covid19 expert group joined us on this webinar to help explain the measures required and we thank Feargal for his time.
Counties and clubs are now invited to view this webinar and examine the Return to play document thoroughly. If any club or county has any queries or further clarifications they require they should be submitted to info.handball@gaa.ie and we will endeavour to answer same.
At present, the CCCC are working on a revised Clár from the 31st August and we hope to be in a position to share this with you shortly.
Following the webinar there will be extensive support resources available to clubs on the GAA Handball website at https://www.gaahandball.ie/news/return-to-play-information-and-resources. The webinar will be available on the GAA Handball TV channel on Youtube.
I would like to remind you that this is a live document and an ever-changing situation and this document is subject to change depending on ongoing Government recommendations and the situation regarding Covid19.
Once more I would like to thank all the GAA Handball units for their patience and adherence to the lockdown measures over the past number of weeks and thank you for playing your part in the fight against Coronavirus/Covid19.
We must continue to work together while remaining vigilant to ensure all our members can return to our sport in a safe manner and enjoy our wonderful games once more.
In the meantime keep safe and hopefully see you all on the courts very soon.
Is mise le meas,
John Kelly, National Manager