Below are a number of frequently asked questions and the answers for each one. If you do not find the answer you are looking for feel free to contact us.
How do I become a member of GAA Handball?
Using the "Find a Club" resource on this website, contact your nearest Handball club and register to become either a player or a non-playing member with that club. The clubs secretary will guide you through the requirements. People can become a registered member of GAA Handball at any stage throughout the year.
If there is no club in close proximity to your location, it may be an option to start a new club. In this case, please go to the "Registrations" section of this website for full information on registering your club.
I need information on the player injury scheme where can I get this?
The GAA Player Injury Scheme is administered by Willis, Grand Mill Quay, Barrow St, Dublin 4. All queries must go through Willis directly.
Tel: 01 6396343 Fax: 01 6694443 Email:
What do I need to play Handball?
To purchase official Handballs, firstly please view "GAA Handball's Equipment Guide" to see what ball/gloves/eye-guards you should be using (depending on your age/sex and the specific code of Handball), and contact the appropriate named suppliers.
One brilliant aspect of Handball is that the game can be played anywhere as long as you have a flat wall/floor surface, and a ball. So with this in mind, if you are lacking official Handball equipment, be creative and use a tennis ball and a gable wall and you are good to go!
Where can I find a list of important dates?
You will find a list of all important dates in the GAA Handball calendar in our events page. Click here for the Events page.
If I cannot fulfil a fixture, who do I need to contact?
If a player cannot fulfil a fixture, he/she must inform their club secretary, who in turn informs the county secretary. The county secretary can then contact the Fixtures & Events Officer in Croke Park.
Am I insured to play racquetball in the Handball alley if I am a registered Handball member?
No. GAA Handball's Injury Policy strictly only covers Handball members who get injured playing Handball. Racquetball is not under the remit of the GAA and thus is not covered through our insurance. Handball clubs should not allow people to play racquetball in their facilities if they do not have their own insurance cover.
Please contact GAA Insurance Manager Sinead Leavy on for further queries.
How do I know what Provinces play each other in the All-Ireland SF's?
View GAA Handball's Juvenile & Adult Championship Rota's on the "Literature" section of this website.