The 4th annual North Eastern Wallball League organised by Brian Boru’s Handball Club and O'Raghallaighs GAA Club will take place on Saturday 19 October 2019 in O'Raghallaighs, Drogheda, Louth.
The tournament is a singles event and will consist of 5 adult grades open to both Male/Female players: Open Singles, A Singles, B Singles, C Singles, Masters (+45). All registrations to be made online using tournamentsoftware.com, link set out below. Some grades may be combined depending on entries and the tournament will be restricted in numbers to make sure all players are guaranteed 3 matches. Format will be round robin with groups and then knock-out round with all games up to 15 aces using rally scoring with 2 serves. All entries will receive a free ball.
Closing date for registration is Wednesday 16 October 2019.
Please check out the Facebook page for further details.
Click Here for link to Tournament Software