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Job Opportunity: GAA Handball Community Handball Development Officer - Dublin

GAA Handball Community Handball Development Officer - Dublin

The role of Community Handball Development Officer with GAA Handball and NEIC are now advertised and open for applications. There is one post available, more information is contained in the link at the bottom of the page.

GAA Handball, in conjunction with the North East Inner City (NEIC) initiative, wish to recruit a Community Handball Development Officer for the North East Inner City and Dublin area, who will be responsible for the implementation of GAA Handball Games Development Policy and Strategy within Dublin, by developing and delivering a Games Participation and Development Plan on an annual basis with the assistance of GAA Handball, Dublin GAA Handball and the NEIC. The successful candidate will be expected to work consistently within Dublin and be a positive presence, helping to establish and build upon relationships with key stakeholders in the area.