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5 Minutes With….Conall McCavitt


Conall McCavitt


Eugene Quinn, Armagh


Lifeguard (Student)

Other sports played and to what level?

Gaelic football for my local seconds team

If you could attend any sporting event in the world what would it be?

Rugby Six Nations match

If you were throwing a party and could invite anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you ask?

Steph Curry

Favourite song?

U2 – with or without you

First concert you went to?


If you weren’t playing handball, what would you be at?

Probably be more dedicated to playing for my local Gaelic team

If you could be any animal what would it be and why?

Bird, be something new being able to fly

Name three things you would put on your “bucket” list?

Visit new parts of world, have a new car in the morning and have a job which makes lots of money

Are you a morning or night person?


What annoys you most?

Getting up early in the mornings

What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

Not sure

What would be the first thing you would buy if you won the Euromillions, aside from the typical answers house/car/holiday etc?

4 wall handball court

One word to describe you?


What’s the best court you ever played on?

Gort Na Mona 40x20 court

Any odd items in your kit bag?

Stretchy Bands

Any pre-match superstitions?


What’s your preferred footwear and gloves?

Mizuno runners and Nike leather gloves for one wall handball

Who’s the biggest joker you've met in handball?

Gabhain McCrystall

Of all the players you know, who spends the most time in front of the mirror?

Conor McElduff

Who is the best dressed Handballer you know?

Darragh Daly

Best memory in the game?

Winning tie breaker of world one wall 17s final

What Handballers would you want (and not want) on your team in a table quiz?

Pawdee Coish at my table,  Eddie McCavitt not at my table

Toughest opponent you’ve faced?

Martin Mulkerrins

Favourite shot?


Best game you've ever seen?

Sean Kerr v Darren Doherty, 2015 One-Wall Nationals

Best ever performance?

2012 Williamstown One-Wall final

One to forget?

Beaten in first round of Loughmacrory tournament

What is your immediate goal?

To be victorious in a One-Wall tournament this season

How can handball improve?

More coaches in each county to help promote game further to help get children to gain a better interest while being showed correct way to play the game