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Club Learning

Club Learning

In the of Summer 2020 GAA Handball ran eight webinars which focused on Club Learning. Over the eight weeks we focused on numerous important parts in the process of running a successful club

GAA Handball would thank all the presenters who delivered excellent presentations over the course of the series. 

See the presentations below from the Club Learning Webinar Series 2020

Webinar TopicLink to Presentation
Learning Opportunities for Club OfficersClick Here
Volunteer Recruitment & RetentionClick Here
Finance for ClubsClick Here
GAA Injury Fund & Insurance CoversClick Here
Coaching - Get the Basics RightClick Here
How Social Media can Benefit your ClubClick Here
Child Safeguarding within your ClubClick Here
GDPR for Clubs

Clink on the button below to take you to our YouTube channel to watch live recordings of the Club Learning Webinars:

Click Here