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5 Minutes With….Miranda Scheffer


Miranda Scheffer


Dutch Wallball School


Sportinstructrice, and I help people with disabilities.

Other sports played and to what level?

Futsall League

If you could attend any sporting event in the world what would it be? 

The Olympics

If you were throwing a party and could invite anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you ask? 

My best friends

Favourite song? 

Julian Perretta – Miracle

First concert you went to? 

Simmer 2000

If you weren’t playing Handball, what would you be at? 

Tennis player

If you could be any animal what would it be and why? 

A raccoon because the are very sweet

Name three things you would put on your “bucket” list? 

Travel to New Zealand, in one day 80 km walk (80.000 metres), truck driver.

Are you a morning or night person? 


What annoys you most? 

Unfair people

What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? 


What would be the first thing you would buy if you won the Euromillions, aside from the typical answers house/car/holiday etc? 

Help people living in poverty

One word to describe you? 


What’s the best court you ever played on? 

Spain - Massamagrell

Any odd items in your kit bag? 

I don't know!

Any pre-match superstitions? 

No! I believe in myself

What’s your preferred footwear and gloves? 

Salming shoes and I never use gloves. I play always with tape.

Who’s the biggest joker you've met in Handball? 

Lorraine Havern from Ireland

Of all the players you know, who spends the most time in front of the mirror? 

Conor McElduff from Ireland.

Who is the best dressed Handballer you know? 

The Irish players

Best memory in the game? 

The last point with the victory of the world championship

What Handballers would you want (and not want) on your team in a table quiz? 

Kees van der Schoot

Toughest opponent you’ve faced? 

Yolanda Monroe from the USA

Favourite shot? 

The smart short

Best game you've ever seen? 

Timothy Gonzalez – Tywan Cook

Best ever performance? 

World championship won with Marike Beckers and Nelie Steenstra.

One to forget? 


What is your immediate goal? 

I do my best with the irish nationals

How can Handball improve? 

More promotions, media, and expand the ProTour. Teaching in schools and play Wallball and have fun!